Friday, September 2, 2011

Chicken and Bud

My Parents, newly married, pre-Gunnar:  Lois Nadine Berg (nee Cassel) & Marlin Ellsworth Berg


George A said...

Interesting photo. What year and location? What's the car?

Gunnar Berg said...

New 1946 Ford? If so, it was not pre-Gunnar, as I was born in '45. I must have been in the back seat. ;-)

George A said...

Well! '46 was a very good year--that's my year. I thought the car looked a bit too streamlined for pre-war and the auto manufacturer's weren't building much for civilian consumption prior to 1946. My father finally was able to replace a beat up pre-war Lincoln that he was nursing along with a Willys Jeep station wagon at some point in the late '40s. The military Jeep may have had the reputation of being a solid, faithful companion, but what a piece of crap that civilian station wagon was!

Gunnar Berg said...

By rumor and memory. It is possible it could be even a 1944. The Old Man knew a guy in another town who was a car dealer. When he got in one of the few new cars, he sold it to the Old Man at list price, Dad resold it on the blackmarket for a much higher price and they split the difference.